Future Earth
Global Carbon Project (GCP) Home

RECCAP relies on a number of global modelling and data efforts currently in place (particularly for tier 1 methods). In addition, RECCAP has actively established or engaged with 5 global modelling groups with the aim to produce outputs consistent with RECCAP timeframes, regions and protocols. These outputs will be available to all regional groups as components for their syntheses, and a data policy will govern the fair use of data (see below). https://transcom.lsce.ipsl.fr

Global Products

Atmospheric CO2  inversion models
(ppt 4.3Mb) (pdf 2.4Mb)
Kevin Gurney
Rachel Law
Philippe Peylin

Go to download section / regions description
(password protected)

Ocean forward biogeochemical models
(ppt 3.1Mb) (pdf 1.4Mb)
Corinne Le Quere

(password protected)

Ocean inversion models
(ppt 1.5Mb) (pdf 742kb)
Niki Grubber http://lgmacweb.env.uea.ac.uk/lequere/reccap/
(password protected)
Terrestrial biogeochemical models
(ppt 4.6Mb) (pdf 1.9Mb)
NEP flux-model
(ppt 5Mb) (pdf 1.9Mb)
Stephen Sitch
Pierre Friedlingstein

(open access)

Fire emissions
(pdf 3.2Mb)
Guido van Werf


Data and Model Output Fair Use Policy

RECCAP involves scientists from a large number of independently funded research projects. To ensure the individuals and teams that provide model output and data receive proper credit for their work, we have instituted a Fair Use Policy. The policy applies to all data and model output stored in the various homepages provided above. The Fair Use Policy is based on the Ameriflux Policy, but expanded to include the unique characteristics of RECCAP:

Data and model output provided in the various homepages of global products are available to participants of RECCAP for developing a set of agreed ocean and terrestrial regional syntheses. The data has been provided by individual scientists, as credited, who have made them available and encourage their use. If you plan to use any data for your RECCAP synthesis, please submit a request in a short email to pep.canadell@csiro.au with a list of the scientists who will use the data, the data you intended to use, and the purpose for using the data. If the data has not yet been published (most of the data is unpublished), the RECCAP steering committee will process your request and get in touch with the data providers. The scientists who provided the data or model output will inform you if they feel they should be acknowledged or offered participation as authors. We expect that an agreement to be reached quickly and before publishing and/or using the data for publication. The RECCAP steering committee encourages regional synthesis teams to invite at least one data/model output provider within each of the global products used (eg, if there are five people providing model outputs for the ocean, to invite at least one of them who may be more familiar with the region and who will help to analyze and interpret the full set of model outputs). If your work directly competes with an ongoing investigation, the scientists who provided the data or model output may ask that they have the opportunity to submit a manuscript before you submit one that uses their data or model output. RECCAP intendeds to encourage making all global and regional datasets publically available once the syntheses are completed, and within the terms of the Fair Use Policy.